Jr NTR latest stillsHeroine Samantha who is doing back-to-back films in Tollywood and Kollywood is gearing up for her next release Brahmotsavam. The beautiful actress has been paired opposite NTR in the upcoming film, Koratala Siva directorial Janatha Garage. Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently had an interactive session with fans. She took part in a Q & A session held on micro-blogging site Twitter and humorously gave away answers to questions put forward by fans. When a fan asked Samantha who she is afraid of dancing with, she said NTR. “He just memorises his steps so easily and performs so effortlessly. It is very hard to keep up with him,” she said. It is known that Samantha appeared opposite Jr NTR in the films Brundavanam and Rabhasa. We have to wait to see how the two of them tap their feet together in Janatha Garage.

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