Srikanth Addala, the director of superstar Mahesh Babu has commented on the actor ‘s fans. Don’t worry, he has made positive remarks. Srikanth Addala was asked by media persons if he had no idea that fans of Mahesh Babu will be hurt when the actor who has got superstar image is seen making someone wear slippers with his hands in the first look of Brahmotsavam. The director cleverly responded saying ‘why would it be so when the other person is his father? It won ‘t be a mistake for a son to offer slippers to his father with his hand and I hoped that Mahesh Babu fans have taken it positively. It turned out to be true and there was tremendous response for the first look of Brahmotsavam’. Talking about the title of the film, he said, ‘Brahmotsavams are usually held in various places, so we named the film after them. The title has not been chosen based on Tirupathi Brahmotsavam. The feet shown in title show how respectful Mahesh is’, he said.

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